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Below are descriptions of my books and a place where you can purchase them. I hope you enjoy reading my books!

Dead Rich by T. H. Rahman


ISBN-10: 1475283733
ISBN-13: 978-1475283730

Humanity can only assume how life will be in a post-apocalyptic world where rich, powerful men govern with an iron fist, and whose monies allow them to control both the living and the dead.

Five years after the Final War has decimated the United States of America and claimed the lives of millions all over the world, modern society, as we know it has now become a thing of the past.


Within Tate Estate, located somewhere on the outskirts of Albany New York, four people find themselves trapped within a mansion owned by Mr. Tate whom has created a reality game so vicious that not even the strong know if there in an end. The unfortunate are forced to fight to the death against an onslaught of zombies in an attempt to win their freedom or face a brutal death.


Malice by T. H. Rahman


ISBN-13: 978-1481144384

ISBN-10: 1481144383


    The power of love can drive any good man insane. Adam Walker planned a special evening with the love of his life, Karissa. Before presenting Karissa with a special gift, he steps out to buy a bottle of wine for the celebration and returns to discover his world has turned upside down. A shootout between gangs and the police cause an explosion, and Karissa is an expendable victim.

From that day forward, Adam loses all compassion for humanity, as the grief for his lost love drives him over the edge. Pure hatred alongside sheer evil now exists in a once serene heart. Vengeance is all that remains in his mind, and he vows to exact revenge on those he holds responsible for Karissa’s death.

That goal requires all of his resources when he sets out after a group of corrupt policemen operating in the city under the direction of Detective Michael Anthony Carlo who has appointed himself boss of the streets, and intends to keep it that way no matter what it takes.

Keeping his identity a secret, Adam plans carefully and one by one, the corrupt detectives fall. Nothing will stop Adam from avenging his lost love.



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